York is very pretty. It is a very old city, almost 2000 years old! Romans built the city and excavations have found evidence of them, as well as Vikings, middle ages and Victorians.

This is the Shambles. It is one of the best preserved medieval streets in Europe. Originally this was the Butchers Quarters.

This is the street called Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate. Originally it was called Whitnourwhatnourgate which means "What a Street!" It is the shortest street in York. Petty criminals were whipped here which is why it is now named Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate.
Throughout York, there are cat statues all over the buildings. In Victorian times, the put stone cats on buildings to keep the mice and the rats away. It only worked for a year!
There is so much to do in York. We went to Barley Hall, which is a medieval town house from the Stuart era. It showed how people lived in the Middle Ages. You could touch everything, smell what it was like and learn all about Stuart life.

Other places we visited were DIG, which is an archelogical museum where you can dig stuff up from Victorian times, Middle Age times, Viking times and Roman times. It was lots of fun, and very very disgusting because there were real animal bones there!
One of the things I dug up was a toilet from the Victorian times. It was small, and it was shared between three households. Most households had about 10 people in them so 30 people would use the same toilet which was located in a shed outside.
We also went to Jorvik Viking Centre and learnt about Viking life. We went on a ride around a Viking village which smelt funny. There were animated people speaking Norse, one of the people was sitting on a toilet making farting noises and telling us to go away.
We also did a tour of York's Chocolate Story where we learnt about the history of chocolate in York. Did you know that each day 6 million kit kat bars are made in York? We got to eat lots of chocolate on the tour and then make our own chocolate bar.

Here is a picture of mums chocolate bar. I ate mine before a picture could be taken. It tasted good, very crunchy!
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